Dr. Rafael Siex Ortiz has his degree in English Philology from the University of Valencia and PhD in Applied Linguistics from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is a Professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering, he has taught at this institution since 1995, where he teaches English for Specific Purposes (Technical English for Engineering).
He develops his research within the CAMILLE group (Computer Assisted Multimedia Interactive Language Learning Environments), in the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning, more specifically in the use and pedagogical evaluation of ICT in language learning and its application to methodological approaches. such as Content Integrated Learning and Foreign Languages, areas in which he has been a teacher trainer. He is a professor of the Master in Languages and Technology, in the Department of Applied Linguistics. He has participated as a speaker in numerous conferences on applied linguistics and educational innovation, and has published research articles in these fields. He has been the Principal Investigator of two competitive research projects funded by the local government of Valencia, as well as a member of the research team of various research projects subsidized by the Ministry of Education of Spain and by the European Union. He belongs to the professional associations SEDELL (Spanish Society for the Teaching of Language and Literature) and AESLA (Spanish Association of Applied Linguistics) and is a member of the editorial committee of the magazine "The Eurocall Review".
Committed to educational innovation, he has published numerous scientific articles on educational research, and has collaborated for many years in various Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects at the UPV, as a coordinator or as a member of the teaching team. He has organized numerous conferences at ETSID, such as the CUIEET (University Conference on Educational Innovation in Technical Teaching), on various occasions, Valencia Global or the ASELE Conference (Association of Spanish as a Foreign Language), among other academic events. He organizes every four years and since 2007 at the ETSID the Valencian Conference on Computer-Assisted Language Learning, a reference event among secondary school teachers and with the presence of international speakers.
He has carried out university management tasks at ETSID, where he has been deputy director of the Library and deputy director of Professional Activities and Employment. He is currently deputy director of International Relations at this school. Since the 1990s and up to the present, he has always been committed to the development of the School's International Relations, participating in the coordination of two ALFA international projects with Latin America and has been a visiting professor in English courses, writing of academic texts and educational technology in different foreign universities, such as the Agricultural University of Prague, the National University of Colombia, Penn State University (United States) or the University of Kavala (Greece), among others.
He is a translator of technical and academic texts and a poet, an active member of the Polimnia 222 Poetry Workshop of the UPV. In 2017, he won second prize in the David Mejía Velilla international literary contest, convened by the University of La Sabana and the Colombian Academy of Language, with the collection of poems "Declamar la Luz".