Theme 1: Histories of Technology
How do societies produce, become determined, and are seen as technologies themselves?
Living Tensions:
- Long Histories – undersigning continuity and change
- Humans and Machines – interfaces, mediation, and usability
- Public or Private – considering social infrastructure
- Ethics, Human Values and Technology – inputs or outputs
- Open or Closed Systems – framing social architectures
Theme 2: Knowledge Makers
What are the epistemological foundations that shape technological epochs?
Living Tensions
- Digital Meanings – multimodal communications and multiliteracies
- Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Agents – the human and the machine
- Data and Metadata – boundaries, functions and ownership of knowledge
- Ubiquitous Learning – nurturing personal and common knowledge
- -Digital Divides – access, participation, capacity development
Theme 3: Social Realities
What is the role of technologies in community formation, maintenance, and change?
Living Tensions
- Diversity and Meanings: cultural sustainability and sustainable heritage development
- Reconfiguring the economic equation: contesting “financial years” and “instant gratification”
- The Global Village – a place inclusion or privilege
- Framing Consensus – who do we include in our social considerations
- The Virtual and the Real – the speculative capacity of social imaginaries
- Sustainable Technology – media archeology as ecological roadmaps
- Privacy and Security – navigating legal and regulatory landscapes